1st CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar

1 seminário de energia da CPLP

 The Government of São Tomé and Príncipe, as the current president of the Community of Portuguese Language Countries (CPLP), together with the Thematic Energy Commission of the CPLP Advisory Observers, promoted the 1st CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar in Lisbon, a joint action with ALER and RELOP. The event brought together government members, energy company leaders, and financiers to discuss energy transition in CPLP Member States and the importance of cooperation in the area.

The 1st CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar focused on private investment, promoting cooperation between public and private entities of the CPLP. During the same event, discussions were held on climate financing opportunities and regulatory roles in energy transition. National strategies and financing mechanisms of CPLP countries were presented. The importance of regulatory frameworks to attract private investments was highlighted. Significant international participation.

For more information, access the link below: https://www.telanon.info/economia/2024/07/05/44958/stp-lidera-debate-na-cplp-sobre-o-financiamento-climatico-e-transicao-energetica/?fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR1CiJ60BZD8zjGirji2CBU8TEVpdHmjuWFI_68h4Pa83bAh00GaQZsmTs4_aem_6KYp3fPpjsQg843IYVgggQ&sfnsn=wa

Link to access the 1st CPLP Energy and Climate Seminar:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YOAQeE9t50 



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